Tidy Tarot has created a line of journals for any person on a divination journey. We have Daily Tarot, Crystal, and Personal Spell journals to choose from. Along with many more journals being designed throughout the seasons.
Tidy Tarot Co. journals are for real life daily use. There is plenty of space to write about your divination practice, special guided sections to know what information goes where, and extra pages for notes or drawings that you would like to include. Our Tarot and Crystal journals have a smooth, buttery cover, with several designs to show off on your bookshelves or to discreetly mix in with your notebooks.
Our Personal Spell journals come in paperback and hardcover. With more than enough space to completely organize any information needed for a ritual from beginning to end.
Various Journals
for every need.
And more being designed every year.
Personal Spell Journals with plenty of space to write.
Sturdy enough for
any setting.
Small enough to carry with you on the go.